Why not outsource staff to a trusted partner and save yourself the worry

Let us find your staff but allow us to also hold them and contract them back to you, thus guaranteeing perfect oversight and an opportunity to meet your strategic talent management objectives more easily

Outsource staff to us

We have a series of industry based contractors we can slot into your organisation

Perfect staff management solution

You use staff as you need them but don’t retain them permanently unless you want to.

Minimising staffing risks

Keeping on top of wage and broader salary conditions can be a minefield

Filling talent requirement as they occur

Sometimes you have a temporary requirement that needs to be filled ‘right now’.

Building in flexibility

Often companies need to mix and match talent requirements for both short and long term

Getting back to core

You should concentrate on core business and leave staffing of non-core to trusted partners.

Let Someone Else Manage your Workforce

Your own workforce in China presents many challenges even to the most seasoned veterans in China and so bringing on a partner to help manage the load makes sense. But the big question becomes,  “what type of partner should I choose?”.

ManageChina has a number of industry-based options that allow you to stay in control but manage for maximum flexibility. We have a constantly evolving pool of staff  that will will likely meet your needs within your budget and defined strategic requirements..

All our Solutions

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