Tax Compliance

China’s #1 Compliance Challenge for Foreign Businesses

With nearly 15 years experience, ManageChina is your trusted outsource partner in China.

Tailored Reporting

In addition to the standard reports that are required for the Chinese tax authorities, we can also design reports to suit you


We understand that reporting isn’t just about what you are legally required to do – it’s also about designing reports that help you to run your business

Meeting Chinese Government Standards

We help you keep up with change - from national to local district level regulation

Keeping Up To Date With Constant Change

In a system as fluid as this one, it is important to have a partner in China with a great working knowledge of that system

Unlocking the Secrets of the Tax System

At ManageChina we pride ourselves on staying one step ahead of any substantial change

It's not quite the same as back home

We ensure that you and anyone else who needs those tax filings and reports has them in a timely manner

Tax Compliance

Bookkeeping in China can be quite difficult if you don’t know how

Whether you are a WFOE, a representative office or a simple local company, the need for keeping your books in China is many and varied.

If you add up all of the requirements the government imposes on a company, it can be quite tough. From monthly through to quarterly and annual requirements, depending on the company type, you may find yourself bogged down in the endless red tape that exists in any country’s tax system.


Just to keep you on your toes – it changes from city to city, province to province

Just when you thought you had a handle on this tax issue, you will find there are issues around working in multiple locations that you didn’t count on. From the amount of registered capital required through to the different provincial and municipal tax levies that apply, it is probably best to ask for the assistance of an expert.

All our Solutions

It’s great to have someone so familiar with the Chinese landscape on our side. I really appreciate the work ManageChina has done on our behalf and continue to do.
It’s not just about the insight they bring but also the timely manner and the regular reporting and meeting they do courtesy of their 12-4-2 customer service program.

Thanks a lot guys


Michael P, ChinaSME123
Hey Guys

Thanks so much for the assist over the last 18 months – I couldn’t have done it without you.


Cynthia, Marketing88

ManageChina seeks to give its clients all the tools they will need to better run their business. It’s not just about meeting tax department deadlines it’s about staying on top of it all!.