ManageChina Gives You Power To Stay in Front of China Challenges


Producing a set of reports unique to your organisation and its needs

Regular Contact

It’s important to be proactive and having a structured reporting system is part of the solution


Taking three months of data and reviewing against goals is vital to success in China


It’s a matter of taking all you have learned over the previous three months and making sense of it


Taking the time to sit down with clients and ask them where they see their business going

Looking forward

Where we can take all that data gathered and incorporate it into a meaningful discussion about the future

Stay Connected with our 12-4-2 Customer Service Program

ManageChina focuses on the customer as the centre point via its 12-4-2 program that allow us to be both proactive and responsive to customer needs, as and before they arise. But that’s not all, for all our clients, this program comes absolutely free!

  • Monthly Client Reports
  • Quarterly Reviews
  • Semi-annual Planning Sessions
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Why 12-4-2?

We find that it’s not enough to simply wait for clients to phone or email with issues they are faced with in their day-to-day dealings in China.  We need to be proactive with our clients and allow them to:

  • Review standardised documents on a regular basis to uncover trends, issues, etc.
  • Discuss face to face just what issues arose over the previous 3 months and how they were handled
  • Start planning for the future
Each company operating in China has its own specific challenges and hence requires its own unique reporting.

At ManageChina we provide a tailored set of monthly reports ’12’ to be able to keep you informed as to what you have done over the last month and how the last year looks.

While each of the monthly reports you receive are important, so too is making sense of them.  That’s why we sit down with you – either face to face or via Skype if you are offshore – to better explain the last quarter’s results.

Having the chance to sit down with your account manager allows you to ask all of the questions those monthly reports no doubt create.  Our quarterly meetings ‘4’ provide that important moment of reflection you need to keep on top of things in China.

While monthly reports and quarterly sit down reviews are important, they are essentially both a ‘look back over your shoulder’.  What you need to do is also have a look forward now and then.

Twice a year we sit down with you – either face to face or over Skype if you are off-shore – and help with your business planning.  Combining your own unique results yielded by the reports and quarterly meetings with our market insight twice a year ‘2’ means that you stay ahead of the curve.